Poetry Studies booking now:
March 2025
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St Lucy by Cosimo Roselli, Florence c. 1470, via Wikimedia Commons Born in
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Born in 1572, the poet and Anglican cleric John Donne is now considered the major metaphysical poet of his time. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that studies being, identity and change, space and time, and the relationship between mind and matter. Extended metaphors known as conceits are one of the hallmarks of metaphysical poetry – unconventional, logically complex or surprising comparisons which challenge us intellectually rather than appeal to our emotions. John Donne employed conceits to explore the relationship between the sensory and the abstract, using the unlikeness of the two things compared to surprise and hold the reader’s attention. Donne often used scientific and technological advances of his day as a source for his conceits.
In A Nocturnal Upon St. Lucy’s Day John Donne describes a speaker’s reaction to the death of a woman he loves. Referencing the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, he captures the overwhelming sense of bereavement in one of the most passionate depictions of love and loss in poetry.
While St Lucy’s Day can seem complex and difficult on first reading a close examination of the text reveals a poem of striking intensity and beauty.
- Single session study facilitated by Caroline Hammond
- Wednesday 5 March, 6.00 – 8.00 pm
- £30 to include background materials and opening notes
- The poem can be found on the Poetry Foundation website here and in collections of John Donne’s work.
5 March 2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
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Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash “This literature
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“This literature – which to us can sometimes seem difficult, exotic, highbrow, remote – is the product of a certain sensibility and a particular context. The idea of these sessions is to find little doors through which to step into that world and find ways to relate to it through the poetry and human artefacts as representations of that time.”
Vivien Kogut
The eighth century English monk Bede wrote a famous parable in which man’s life is compared to the flight of a sparrow crossing a warm hall on a dark, wet night: the sparrow comes “from winter into winter again”, his time in light and warmth lasting but the “blink of an eye”. Eight hundred years later, English poets believed they could trick all-devouring time through the power of words.
And today, another five centuries later, what does poetry tell us about time? And what different ‘times’ do we find in poetry? Can Medieval and Renaissance literature speak to our own perception of time? And what can objects tell us about our relationship with words across time?
This study invites readers to dive into poems and objects from the past in search of dialogues around time and literature. Focusing on the experience of reading poetry from the 10th to the 17th century we will try to rethink our notions of brevity and eternity, of rush and delay, of beginnings and endings.
Each of four sessions will focus on a different genre of poetry expressing ‘time’:
1. Old English elegies
“Thus this middle-earth droops and decays every single day;
and so a man cannot become wise, before he has weathered
his share of winters in this world”Anonymous, The Wanderer
2. Old English riddles
“It was swift in its going:
Faster than birds it flew through the sky”Anonymous, Riddle 51
3. Medieval ballads
“O’er his white bones, when they are bare,
The wind shall blow for evermore.“Anonymous, The Two Corbies
4. Elizabethan poems
“Where whenas death shall all the world subdue,
Our love shall live, and later life renew.“Edmund Spenser, Amoretti: LXXV
- Four meeting study on Zoom led by Vivien Kogut
- Thursdays, 6.30 – 8.30 pm (UK)
- 13, 20, 27 February and 6 March
- £120 for four meetings, including notes and resources
6 March 2025 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
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Photo by Derek Braithwaite on Unsplash “the best and most representative
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“the best and most representative American poet of our time.”
Harold Bloom on Wallace Stevens
For most of his working life, Wallace Stevens was the Vice President of the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, composing his poems on the way to and from the office and in the evenings. At the same time, he led something of a double life, with friends among the literary community in Greenwich village including Marianne Moore and E.E. Cummings.
His poetry in concerned with the transformative power of the imagination, with influences including the English Romantics and the French Symbolists. He is a master stylist, paying great attention to vocabulary and form. He also examines the notion of poetry itself, reflecting on its meaning and purpose as a reflection of objective reality. Published in 1923, Thirteen Way of Looking at a Blackbird explores these themes as well as delighting generations of readers with its beautiful language and images.
Over the course of two hours, we will work towards a deeper understanding of this exquisite poem through repeated readings, analysis and discussion.
- Single meeting study on Zoom, facilitated by Caroline Hammond
- Wednesday 19 March, 6.00–8.00 pm (UK)
- £30 to include background materials and opening notes
- The poem can be found on the Poetry Foundation website here and in The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens, ISBN-13: 978-0679726692
19 March 2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
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This is the second in a series of single session studies on Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Participants are
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This is the second in a series of single session studies on Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Participants are welcome to join as few or many sessions as they please.

‘There is not a part of the writings of this Poet wherein is found in equal compass a greater number of exquisite feelings felicitously expressed.’
William Wordsworth on Shakespeare’s Sonnets
Shakespeare’s sonnets have inspired, fascinated and disturbed readers for centuries. Full of mystery and imagination, they dazzle us even as they drive us mad: Who is the fair youth to whom so many of these sonnets are addressed? Who is the dark lady, the complex beloved of so many others? Who is the rival poet and what power does he possess? Are these lyric expressions of tortured love – among other themes – the key to understanding the mysterious life of Shakespeare, or are they not autobiographical at all?
Through close analysis and hands-on interpretive work, we will examine Shakespeare’s kaleidoscopic exploration of his speaker’s romantic and tortured feelings and experiences.
We are offering these self-contained, individual studies of Shakespeare’s sonnets in a workshop style setting. Over time we will cover all of the 154 sonnets that comprise Shakespeare’s celebrated sequence. Participants are invited to join as few or many sessions as they please.
- Session 2: Sonnets 5-8, facilitated by Julie Sutherland (on Zoom)
- Friday 28 March, 6.00 – 8.00 pm (UK) please note that the UK remains on GMT until 30 March but in North America clocks will already have moved forward by one hour
- £25 for two-hour study
- Before the session, Julie Sutherland will send links to online versions or attach specific copies for discussion. It is highly recommended that you print these off before joining this hands-on session. If you have a printed edition, please also have it ready so we can consider variations between texts. Have a notebook and pencil on hand as well!
28 March 2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
April 2025
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Portrait of T.S. Eliot, 1923, Emil Otto Hoppé, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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In this Springtime study we will read T.S. Eliot’s groundbreaking modernist poem The Waste Land. Over the course of four weeks we will celebrate the poem’s complexity, dig into its intertextuality and (above all) observe how it resonates with us today.
Questions we might consider include: ‘How does this poem present modernity?’, ‘How does it explore the concepts of waste and the environment?’, ‘Is it a product of gritty realism or sublime mysticism?’ and, last but not least, ‘Why does it endure?’
- Four-week study on Zoom led by Karina Jakubowicz
- 7-28 April, Monday evenings 6.00-8.00 pm (UK)
- £120 for four two-hour meetings
- Schedule:
7 April – Epigraph & The Burial of the Dead
14 April – A Game of Chess
21 April – The Fire Sermon
28 April – Death by Water & What the Thunder Said
7 April 2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series
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Thetis Accepting the Shield of Achilles from Vulcan, James Thornhill (1675-1734), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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“Then on the centre of the shield itself
Through his extraordinary skill he fashioned
Numerous images as decoration.
On it he made the earth, the sky, the sea
The sun that never wearies, the full moon,
And all the wonderous stars that crown the sky-
The Pleiades, the Hyades, Orion
The mighty warrior, and the Great Bear,
Known as the Wagon, which revolves in place,
The only constellation never washed
By Ocean’s streams.”
In Book 18 of The Iliad, Achilles – devastated by the death of his beloved Patroclus – vows to take revenge on his killer, Hector, who has also stolen the armour that Patroclus had borrowed from him. Thetis, his mother, makes him promise not to return to battle until she has obtained a new set of armour from Hephaestus (Vulcan in Roman mythology). At her request the craftsman god creates an immortal set of armour with a stunning decorated shield.
In the middle of his epic poem Homer has set a description of the shield itself, creating one of the earliest examples of Ekphrasis, the use of a detailed account of a piece of art as a literary device. Achilles’ shield contains heaven and earth and two cities, one at peace and one at war, farmland with fields being ploughed and harvested, vineyards, cattle menaced by a lion, a wedding, and a man on trial for murder. At the end of the passage Homer describes a group of young men and women dancing in the open air.
Over the centuries this section of the Iliad has struck many readers and listeners with its beauty and the power of the images described. It has been interpreted in many different ways and has inspired poets from Hesiod to W.H. Auden.
As we look at these lines in detail, we will examine the elements that make it such a memorable description and consider ways in which it underlines the themes of the Iliad as a whole.
This study is suitable for people who are not familiar with the Iliad as well as those who have already read the poem.
- Single meeting study facilitated by Caroline Hammond
- Wednesday 16 April, 6.00-8.00 pm BST
- £30 to include background materials and opening notes
16 April 2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
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This is the third in a series of single session studies on Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Participants are
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This is the third in a series of single session studies on Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Participants are welcome to join as few or many sessions as they please.

‘There is not a part of the writings of this Poet wherein is found in equal compass a greater number of exquisite feelings felicitously expressed.’
William Wordsworth on Shakespeare’s Sonnets
Shakespeare’s sonnets have inspired, fascinated and disturbed readers for centuries. Full of mystery and imagination, they dazzle us even as they drive us mad: Who is the fair youth to whom so many of these sonnets are addressed? Who is the dark lady, the complex beloved of so many others? Who is the rival poet and what power does he possess? Are these lyric expressions of tortured love – among other themes – the key to understanding the mysterious life of Shakespeare, or are they not autobiographical at all?
Through close analysis and hands-on interpretive work, we will examine Shakespeare’s kaleidoscopic exploration of his speaker’s romantic and tortured feelings and experiences.
We are offering these self-contained, individual studies of Shakespeare’s sonnets in a workshop style setting. Over time we will cover all of the 154 sonnets that comprise Shakespeare’s celebrated sequence. Participants are invited to join as few or many sessions as they please.
- Session 3: Sonnets 9, 10 & 11, facilitated by Julie Sutherland (on Zoom)
- Wednesday 30 April, 6.00 – 8.00 pm (UK)
- £25 for two-hour study
- Before the session, Julie Sutherland will send links to online versions or attach specific copies for discussion. It is highly recommended that you print these off before joining this hands-on session. If you have a printed edition, please also have it ready so we can consider variations between texts. Have a notebook and pencil on hand as well!
30 April 2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
May 2025
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Photograph of monument to Fernando Pessoa in front of cafe “A Brasileira” in Lisbon by Nol Aders, via Wikimedia
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Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935) was, quipped one critic, Portugal’s three greatest modern poets. To read Pessoa is not just to read one poet but to enter into a whole literature.
Pessoa’s attempt to forge a new literary modernism for Portugal took shape through his creation of different literary personas. He called these personas ‘heteronyms’, to distinguish them from pseudonyms, as essentially distinct personalities with biographies, literary styles and philosophical and political ideas as different from each other as from Pessoa himself.
Pessoa authored works under at least 72 different names throughout his life, and this compulsion seems to have been both an aesthetic and a psychological necessity. At the centre of his most important and accomplished literary achievements is the poetry authored by the three main heteronyms – Alberto Caiero, Alvaro de Campos and Ricardo Reis; by Pessoa himself as one of that company of heteronyms; and his great prose masterpiece The Book of Disquiet, authored by the semi-heteronym Bernardo Soares.
Over five meetings we will take a sample of work from each of Pessoa’s heteronyms as a general introduction to the work – and the literary universe – of Fernando Pessoa.
- Six-week introductory study led by Desma Lawrence
- Tuesdays, 12.00-2.00 pm (UK), 13 May to 17 June 2025
- £180 for six-session study, to include opening notes and resources
13 May 2025 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series
June 2025
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Photo of Walt Whitman by George Collins Cox, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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‘Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes)‘From Song of Myself (1892)
American poet Walt Whitman (1819-1892) forever changed the literary landscape of his own time and influenced generations of readers and poets who followed (William Carlos Williams, Allen Ginsberg and Fernando Pessoa, to name a few). Whitman startles us with his radical rejection of tradition together with an uncontained celebration of love, friendship, democracy and nature.
How can we, in our challenging times, connect to Whitman’s passionate and thunderous celebration of man and nature? Can his poetry add depth to our own dismay at war, climate emergency and ailing democracy? Can it offer us a literary way forward?
The summer of 2025 seems exactly the right time to be reading Whitman. His poetry is irresistible both for its oceanic lust for life and its unshakable freedom.
In this introductory study we will explore selections from two of Whitman’s iconic ‘songs’, in which his enthusiastic voice and powerful verse speak directly to us, beckoning us to join him on his poetic road.
- Four two-hour meetings led by Vivien Kogut
- £120 for four meetings, to include opening notes and resources
- Wednesdays, 4-25 June, 5.30-7.30 pm (UK)
- 4 June: Song of Myself
- 11 June: Song of Myself
- 18 June: Song of the Open Road
- 25 June: Song of the Open Road
4 June 2025 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm(GMT+00:00)
Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series
Past Poetry Studies:
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