Bloomsday – a play for radio

James Joyce in 1888, age six

Have you noticed the way in which, when there is more than one child in a family, each of them tends to be given a particular role? In my case, my mother always used to say that she hoped I would become a banker, or a lawyer – someone who would earn enough money to look after her in her old age. My brother, by contrast, was expected to be ‘an Artist’. It wasn’t entirely clear what this should involve, but clearly included him being somewhat unstable but brilliant, bringing reflected glory to his parents because of his talent, even if the consequence might be a painful (and impoverished) life… It didn’t really matter than I wrote poetry (and had no interest in banking), or that my brother quite liked the idea of having a comfortable and stable life (and maybe even helping to look after his parents in old age). In both our cases, growing up involved us having to work out our own responses to the expectations we were born into…

It won’t come as any surprise, then, that when I started reading about the life of James Joyce, I quickly became fascinated about his relationship to his younger brother, Stannie. As the eldest son of an eldest son, James was his father’s favoured child, carrying all his father’s frustrated hopes for fame and glory. Stannie did his best to follow in his brother’s footsteps, but that meant he was always a step behind – looking up with admiration (and some envy) at his brother’s achievements. From his teenage years onwards, Stannie kept a diary, much of which was filled with commentary on his brother’s life. Some of this was published posthumously, as The Dublin Diaries. He became Joyce’s first reader and critic – and gathered materials for his brother to use in the short stories that were eventually to be published as Dubliners. When Joyce went into exile in Trieste with Nora Barnacle, Stannie followed them out there; working tirelessly to earn enough money to allow his brother to write, often ‘rescuing’ him from the bars of Trieste, where he feared his brother was dissipating his talents. Joyce never fully acknowledged his brother’s contribution. Indeed, he cut the character based on him (Maurice) almost entirely from the final version of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Oh, and when it was finally published, he forgot to include the promised dedication to his brother in Dubliners.

Even today, with biographies and novels about the lives of Joyce’s father, John, his wife Nora, and his daughter Lucia, there is still no full-length book about Stanislaus Joyce. So when I joined the Lit Salon to re-read Ulysses, which I’d first had a go at when I was at university, it was no surprise that I also started to remember my fascination with James Joyce’s brother…

Eighteen months later, and I’m delighted to say that my radio play about the relationship between the brothers, Stannie and James Joyce, is going to be broadcast on RTE, to coincide with this year’s Bloomsday celebrations on 16 June. The play is called ‘Bloomsday’ and tells the story – in a fictionalized form – of the ten years when Stannie lived with James Joyce and Nora Barnacle in Trieste, between 1905 and 1915. Joyce wrote in Ulysses that ‘a brother is as easily forgotten as an umbrella’, and in some ways my play was an attempt to bring Stannie back into the story – indeed, to tell his story, the one that he never really got to write.

A small coda however. After finishing work on the play, and having had so much pleasure reading Ulysses again, I decided to have a go at reading Finnegans Wake with Toby in the Lit Salon. Although I hadn’t known about it at the time I was writing my play, it turns out that Finnegans Wake puts the relationship between two brothers – Shem and Shaun – at the heart of the book. Shem is an artist; and Shaun is a postman, one who can only deliver letters, not write them. So even in his final work, the family roles were still being played out. But I think Finnegans Wake is also a reckoning with these family scripts too. Indeed, despite the contempt in which Shem seems to hold his brother, and the sense of disapproval that Shaun shows towards his irresponsible sibling, in the end they both recognise that they need each other. And love each other. The family roles each were asked to play is part of what makes them who they are; but in questioning and challenging those roles, they also each become the person they should truly be.

Nick Midgley’s radio play, ‘Bloomsday’, will be broadcast on RTÉ Radio 1 on Sunday 12 June at 8.00 pm (BST) and will be available online at

More about James Joyce . . .

Continuing my long association with the City Lit, starting on 13 June I am leading a four-week ‘sampler’ course introducing the first four chapters of Ulysses.

For those who can’t get enough of Joyce – or for those who would like to know what all the fuss is about – this course will immerse you in the realm of Modernism and Joyce’s experimentation with language. Ulysses is the huge book that sits atop most ‘best novels of all time’ lists, but few people have actually managed to read this work. The writing is challenging – but when discussed with a group of readers, with carefully chosen resources, you will be amazed at how much this work will develop your perspective on language, love, nationhood, identity, history and lemon soap. And funny – it is a deeply humorous and at times absurd book. We will consider just the first four chapters of the work: this will introduce readers to the vast wealth of material that the book offers. Most readers, once they have engaged with the book the first time, return repeatedly, finding more with each read.

More Joyce reminders:

  • On Sunday 12 June Nick Midgley’s radio play Bloomsday will be broadcast on RTE’s Drama on One.
  • On the same day in London the Balloonatics (joined by, ahem, me) will enact the second annual Tufnell Park Bloomsday Walk.
  • Meanwhile, a group of Ulyssians and Wakians from the Salon will head to Dublin to experience the carnival in the streets that celebrates this bounding work.

Can Renaissance literature speak to us today?

The literature of the past sometimes appears to have a language of its own, perhaps too intricate and opaque for us in the twenty-first century. Can it speak to me? Is it relevant? Could reading Renaissance texts be simply self-indulgent, nothing more than an escape from the miseries of our contemporary world?

These are some of the questions that confront us when embarking on a study like Exploring the English Renaissance through Texts and Objects, 1516-1616.

But reading poems by Wyatt or Donne, visiting the fictional island of Utopia, witnessing pirate actions on the shores of Brazil or touring a mysterious castle in The Faerie Queene, we immediately realize we have walked into a world that is strangely familiar, yet disturbingly new. And it’s not just the words on the page – our journey to the Renaissance involves digging up booty: everyday objects, museum items, prints, paintings. The world of objects surviving from the past, be they mundane or works of art, tells us even more about our common glories and miseries and how life was lived by people like us in another time.

Exploring the English Renaissance can make us tourists: we get the chance to visit the exotic from the comfort of the printed page or images on a screen. What we discover is a period of intense experimentation, exploration and feverish creativity, but also of disease, violence and abuse of power. It can be unsettling and inspiring in equal measure. We return from this trip with at least one souvenir: the feeling that words and objects create disturbing synergies across time, offering opportunities to find ourselves where we least expect. They tell the story of who we were, who we are and where we might be heading.

The Salon in Umbria: April 2022

It is truly one of life’s great experiences to be in a beautiful place, with a group of adventurous and stretchy readers, immersed for a week in a complex book (Henry James’ The Portrait of a Lady) that drives us to consider closely our own identity, relationship to history, cultural context, social relationships, familial inheritance . . .

Our insights into the challenges facing Isabel Archer, her enclosure in tradition and the interior maps she must negotiate to claim agency in a claustrophobic space, reflected back upon us all and inspired each of us. Some responded with creative writing, some with nuggets shared in discussion. For others the illuminations are held within, to carry back home and keep turning over.

Jackie Seigler and I worked to find the right balance of yoga and study sessions while leaving time for reflection, walking and adventuring in the golden landscapes of Umbria. There were food adventures to be had, wine-tastings, underground caves to crawl through and lakes to discover and dip into. Back in London, I feel my body strengthened with the careful attention of the yoga and my mind calmed with the wonderful focus of the discussions around the complex art of Henry James. I learned from every member of the group – Salonistas from Paris, London, Bristol, New York City, Upstate New York, some who have been with the Salon since its early days, a few experiencing the Salon for the first time. Thank you all for making this adventure so inspiring!

Some feedback from participants:

Location:  ‘Really beautiful and welcoming. Just the right balance of comfort and simplicity.’

Food: ‘Very good! Appreciated the many varieties of greens. A bit more pasta perhaps . . .’

Schedule: ‘Nicely paced. I could not routinely find my way to yoga twice a day but was really happy that the possibility was there when I did. Really enjoyed the afternoons at leisure too.’

Cost: ‘Good value for money.’

Yoga: ‘Really enjoyed the restorative and gentle yoga classes. Jackie, your warmth, joy and expertise is in my cells after this retreat.’

‘I found everything about the yoga just right. I felt really held and taken care of in the sessions. I particularly liked the restorative yoga and yoga nidra.’

Salon: ‘Toby, difficult to put into words the depth of the experience. I appreciated so much the slow read of a well-chosen classic and how it gave meaning to my own life in new ways. So good to read closely and in the process become closer to such thoughtful people.’

Overall: ‘Thank you both for all you did and are. I am renewed, recharged and changed after these seven very special days. See you in September.’

‘You both held the group beautifully . . . just the right balance. You were both really kind, sensitive, attentive and inclusive. It made for a great group experience . . . Only suggestion is to get people to read the book completely!’

‘This was a rich and revivifying experience – physically because of the wonderful yoga, and spiritually and intellectually through our collective reading of one of the great 19th century novels. The opportunity to drop into a book, deep below the surface, with a group of open-minded, intelligent, sensitive readers – and to stay there for a week, under expert and self-effacing leadership – is a great privilege. That privilege was enhanced by first-class yoga teaching which kept us grounded, and physically well-tuned.’

And finally, a poetic reflection from our creative writing facilitator Alison Cable:

On reading Portrait of a Lady with LitSalon in Umbria

Where am I positioned as reader

Of words, characters, people?

I am invited to slow down--

I experience others.


Words, characters, people,

When our systems crack, what are we left with?

I experience others--

Half-closed eyelids, a full moon.


When our systems crack, what are we left with?

It was an act of devotion to conceal her misery.

Half-closed eyelids, full moon--

Epiphany, expansion.


It was an act of devotion to conceal her misery.

Where am I positioned?

Epiphany, expansion—

I experience others.

Alison Cable, April 2022

Thoughts on language and power . . .

In a recent newsflash I shared some resources in response to the Ukrainian crisis. Thanks to all who followed up, and for the thoughts and actions you have taken. As you know, the news of unrelenting attacks on the Ukrainian people is horrific, as are Putin’s twists of logic in attempting to justify invasion. 

Since writing that, I have had feedback from some people in the Salon community that has helped me to expand my understanding and grasp the complexity of the situation, as well as the potential for blind spots and accidental omissions in describing such terrible events. 

First, one Salonista who is from Russia and has relatives in Ukraine called me to account: 

“Please, please do not say Russian invasion and Russian aggression, it is not! It is the Putin’s regime aggression and his and his clique’s invasion. Russia and the Russian people have never agreed to that. It is not done in my name and not in the name of other millions of Russians.” 

She is right, and I apologise. Although the circumstances were somewhat different, as an American I was aghast at the destruction that was wreaked when the USA invaded Iraq; I demonstrated against this invasion and sought to disassociate myself from the military action of the US government. The bravery of the Russian people who are now speaking out against Putin is astonishing and thanks to MG for helping me shift my language. 

I also had this feedback from another Salonista: 

“. . .  I feel terribly upset seeing the suffering of the ordinary people of Ukraine and up to yesterday I supported Ukraine against Russia. 

Sadly, reports are coming out about shocking racist practices being used by Ukrainian authorities against Black people, mainly students, and Indians trying to flee Ukraine. It is not widely reported but there are testimonials in the Independent, ITV, Twitter (#AfricansinUkraine) and the Black press . . .

I have written to the BBC to ask why reporters are not questioning Ukrainian spokespeople about these allegations. 

I have donated to crowdfunding for African students trying to flee . . .”

Since SA pointed this out to me, I have found various articles that have exposed these racist practices and there has been increased reporting. I want to express outrage and compassion for the Ukrainian people under attack, as well as the African nationals and Black refugees who are being discriminated against in their struggle to escape the war. This opinion piece by Daniel Howden also considers the varying responses to refugees and offers hope that the current crisis will result in an expanded empathic response to refugees from all conflict zones. 

In a recent discussion in a Proust study, we were examining the crash of the Union Générale in 1882 and how this shifted financial power in France before being used to support antisemitic myths about the power of Jewish bankers. As these myths repeat themselves even today (to the extent that one current French politician has proposed reconsidering the exoneration of Dreyfus, more than a century after his unjust and tortured incarceration), I found the research undertaken by study members to help understand how the Jewish bankers were scapegoated in the rising fury of antisemitism enlightening. In the process, I also learned that the form ‘anti-Semitism’ is no longer favoured and have updated my usage accordingly.

I appreciate how both in the studies and beyond, we have worked together to become more thoughtful about how language – a powerful and subtle tool – is used.

And finally, we have been asked to raise awareness of Packed with Hope, an initiative providing age-appropriate storybooks and a variety of comforting items (from hot water bottles to colouring pencils and notepads) to the many children caught up in the terror of being uprooted from their homes, family and friends in Ukraine. Please take a look and donate if you can.

The enduring appeal of the long read . . .

Some years ago, we were told about the great work Kate Slotover and Laura Potter were doing in opening up literature to readers everywhere. Laura and Kate founded The Book Club Review Podcast – an energetic discussion about what to read and how different readers may respond. In their words:

“We founded The Book Club Review Podcast to turn the solitary act of reading into a shared experience.

Loved the book? Loathed it? So much the better. We’re all about big opinions. We live for the great debate, the heated discussion, the ‘I see what you’re saying, but here’s why you’re wrong’ rant. With good humour. With respect. But with commitment too. Because the world has forgotten that disagreement is good for us. That it’s the friction of debate that sparks off new ideas, new perspectives – just like a good book. Bring the two together and there’s really nothing better.”

We are great admirers of their work which, as you can see, dovetails beautifully with the energy of exploration we generate in the Salon, so I was happy to spend a delicious February evening discussing doorstoppers – and WHY read them – with Laura, Kate and Phil Chaffee in the latest episode of the podcast.

The result is recommended listening for anyone who is either enjoying or feeling daunted by the ‘big’ books featured in Salon studies. If you like what you hear, take a look at previous episodes (including their 2019  interview with me about what the London Literary Salon does) and subscribe to the podcast newsletter to be alerted to new ones.

On Reading and Writing Together

I never saw a moor,
I never saw the sea,
Yet I know how the heather looks
And what a wave must be.

Emily Dickinson

We’re all writers. Take a moment and think about the writing you do each day — a caption for your Instagram photo, a text to a friend, a work e-mail. See, you’re already writing to tell stories, build relationships, and plan your future.

Expressive writing helps you channel what you already know how to do. You have permission to discard the rules, play with words, and discover new and powerful insights through its imaginative process. And it’s good for you, like yoga for your mind. In fact, a robust body of peer-reviewed research proves it (benefits like enhancing mood and improving physical health, setting life goals, reducing PTSD symptoms, easing stress, and sparking creativity). 

And what better way to spark our writing than reading poetry out loud together?  First we hear it – its tempo, rhythm and cadences; then we see it – its images in the mind’s eye; finally we sense its possible meanings – metaphors full of delicious ambiguity. We don’t need to come to any conclusions as long as something stirs within us.

Whatever we discover through our reading and writing, sharing it with others is to engage, to connect, to be heard, and to hear.  We loiter in the gaps as well.  There’s no perfect communication, but as we linger in each other’s metaphors, in the meaning we make between the words, we share connection. This sharing makes us feel better. We know we are not alone.

Alison Cable is a facilitator at the London Literary Salon, she is currently leading a series of Writing for Wellbeing studies, including Trees and Us beginning on 26 April.

The Salon on air . . .

Toby appeared on BBC Radio 4’s Start the Week yesterday (Monday 10 January), discussing ‘finding consolation and community in literature’ with Michael Ignatieff, Christopher Prendergast (editor of the Penguin Modern Classics In Search of Lost Time) and Tom Sutcliffe. This is available from our Press & Media page, together with recordings of Toby talking about the LitSalon Challenge on both BBC Radio London and Times Radio.

On the subject of our online presence, Start the Week generated so much internet traffic that our website crashed. We were thrilled to encounter so much enthusiasm, but we apologise to anyone who had difficulty accessing the website yesterday and thank you for your patience. We’re pleased to say that normal service has now resumed.

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