Agistri 2025: Euripides' Trojan Women on the Greek island of Agistri

wed07may(may 7)5:00 pmwed14(may 14)12:00 pmAgistri 2025: Euripides' Trojan Women on the Greek island of Agistri5:00 pm - 12:00 pm (14)(GMT+01:00) View in my time Event Organized ByToby Brothers, Caroline Hammond & Jane WymarkType of studyClassical,TravelDurationSeven daysAgistri, Greece

Event Details

In 2025 we will return for our fifth visit to the enchanting island of Agistri on the Saronic Gulf. This year we will study Homer’s Odyssey and Euripides’ Trojan Women in a location that evokes the landscape and environment in which these extraordinary and enduring works were written. Join us if you can!

Photo: Rosy’s Little Village

Photo: Toby Brothers, Agistri 2023



To ask questions please email us at using ‘Agistri 2025 – Trojan Women’ as the subject line. Payment will be by bank transfer (N.B. we will supply bank details). If the study sells out early we will maintain a waiting list as we do sometimes find that people have to withdraw for reasons beyond their control.


Room and half board (breakfast and dinner each day) will be arranged by each participant with the hotel and paid for directly to them. A deposit to cover two nights accommodation will be required by the hotel. We will send you full contact details for payment on registration. We have set out the anticipated charges below, but these may be subject to change at the time of booking at the discretion of the hotel.

Accommodation prices per night at the hotel – Rosy’s Little Village – estimated on the basis of figures available in October 2024:

  • Single – €77 per night plus half board (breakfast and dinner) estimated at €50 per day
  • Double – €87 per night plus half board (breakfast and dinner) estimated at €55 per person per day
  • Triple – €77 per night plus half board (breakfast and dinner) estimated at €55 per person per day
  • Family room for two people – €97 per night plus half board (breakfast and dinner) estimated at €55 per person per day
  • Family room for three people – €107 per night plus half board (breakfast and dinner) estimated at €55 per person per day
  • Family room for four people – €120 per night plus half board (breakfast and dinner) estimated at €55 per person per day

Flights to Athens: when booking please make sure you can arrive in Piraeus by 15.00 local time on the first day of your study to catch the ferry. We will not be meeting formally on the final day of each study, so you will have choices about your return (ferries are frequent and the travel time to Piraeus is one hour).

Ferry to Agistri: normally around €14 each way, but may be €30 for arrival if the group chooses to use a private water taxi.

Incidental expenses: drinks, lunches, extra trips etc.

Insurance: we hope this will be entirely redundant, but we do ask you to arrange your own travel and health insurance to protect you in case of anything untoward happening. We will ask you for details of the insurance provider and reference number, as well as your mobile phone number and details of next of kin to add to our (confidential) records for use during the study.


7 May 2025 5:00 pm - 14 May 2025 12:00 pm(GMT+01:00)

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Agistri, Greece

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